Reviews and Books

Editors: Abdul Ghafur, Nitin Bansal and Akshata R (2024)
No Option: The Hidden Crisis and Hope for AMR
White Falcon Publishing

Sebastian Deindl and Johan Elf (2021)
More Than Just Letters and Chemistry: Genomics Goes Mechanics
Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 46(6):p431-432

Michael Lawson & Johan Elf (2021)
Imaging-based screens of pool-synthesized cell libraries
Nature Methods volume 18, pages358–365

J Elf and I Barkefors (2018)
Single-Molecule Kinetics in Living Cells
Annual Review of Biochemistry, Vol. 88

Jones D, Elf J. (2018).
Bursting onto the scene? Exploring stochastic mRNA production in bacteria.
Curr Opin Microbiol.45:124-130.

Fredrik Persson, Irmeli Barkefors and Johan Elf (2013)
Single molecule methods with applications in living cells.
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 24.

Jie, Elf, Li, Yu, and Xie (2007)
Imaging Gene Expression in Living Cells at the Single-Molecule Level in Single Molecule Techniques: A Laboratory Manual
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.

Paulsson J and Elf J (Spring 2006)
Stochastic Modeling inSystems Modeling in Cellular Biology

Kruse K and Elf J (Spring 2006)
Kinetics in Spatially Extended Systems in Systems Modeling in Cellular Biology
MIT press

Elf, J, Paulsson, J, Berg, OG & Ehernberg, M (2005)
Mesoscopic kinetics and its applications in protein synthesis.
Topics in Current Genetics:Systems Biology: Definitions andPerspectives Springer-Verlag GmbH

Ehrenberg, M, Elf, J, Aurell, E ,Sandberg, R and Tegner, J(2003)
Systems Biology is Taking Off
Genome Research 13:2377-2380.

Aurell, E, Elf, J and Jeppsson, J. (2002)
Systems Biology - The logic of life.
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Systems Biology